

Eretz Israel as center table

I received a new command for an event with  subject : Land of Israel!
and I decided to illustrate it with big plates, it's cheap and easy to do!


Three months later.......

A lot of work and new decorations appeared...

A Barmitsva under the sign of skating, yes, it's the hobby of the new ben mitsvot !

Lanterns, bamboo and skates!

Sadna painting on tambourine for rosh Hodesh

some of examples

New group of women for the drawing chug and some of them with a real talent.with the method:"drawing on the right side of the brain".
after 4 lessons, what do you think about peppers?

Ajouter une légende

After 2 months, 8th lesson : subject :bird cage, time : 2hours
I am very proud of you!!!!!!

And of course new flowers arrangements